For those occasions that you feel like just relaxing at home in your pajamas with a Bruce Campbell marathon going on, make a couple of these great treats!
These cake pops are delicious and actually pretty easy to make. You can substitute any flavor cake mix you want, but it all still gets a dip into chocolaty goodness. Make a good few dozen of these, and you'll have enough to share with your friends on your lazy Saturday night (or not. I'm not one to judge).
Sadly, no picture for this one. But for you legal age kiddies, something to mix up a batch of when you're hanging out at the house with that Bruce Campbell marathon going. Pop in The Evil Dead
, and enjoy a couple cups of this stuff.
I know, I know. They're not sweet. But you know as well as I do that a movie night is not complete without some finger food on hand. My personal favorite: Jalapeno Poppers that are filled with cream cheese. Spicy food with a spicy actor (calling Ryan Reynolds) makes for an awesome night in my book.
Take your pick. Humor or Horror? Either way he's sexy to look at.
And, so as not to leave anyone out, a drink for you non-alcohol drinkers:
This is something that my family calls New Years Punch, or Grandpa's Birthday Punch. We make it every New Years, and it's really tasty.
1/2 Gallon of Lemonade
1/2 Gallon of Orange Juice
2 Liter bottle of Gingerale
1/2 small jar of Maraschino Cherries
1 container of Orange Sherbet
1. Pull out a large punch bowl (or a lobster pot/ dutch oven will do)
2. Pour 1/2 of the lemonade and orange juice into the designated bowl.
3. Pour in the full bottle of Gingerale.
4. Pour in 1/2 of the jar of Maraschino Cherries, with or without the juice
(I like cherry, but it's up to your taste).
5. Using a spoon or ice cream scoop, place blobs of the Orange Sherbet into the punch
(or you could just plop the entire container into the middle).
**My family breaks up the sherbet so that way we get a dollop of it in our glasses
(though it does melt).**
It's tasty, sweet, and you'll find it tasty the next morning too.
Enjoy your Saturday night kiddies. Don't get too crazy!
i want them all except the jalapeno poppers you can have those